This photo is of three of the Corrigan sons of Thomas & Emma Jane Corrigan. Maurice (my great-grandfather), Edwin, and Hank. Maurice passed away in 1990 at the age of 91. Hank passed away in 1986 at the age of 79. Edwin was the Corrigan that lived the longest out of all 9 children. I met him a few times at family reunions. He passed away only a few years ago in 2005 at the age of 95.
Tombstone Tuesday: What’s Next
So, I’m coming to the end of my family tree tombstone photos. So, instead of trying to find a new one of those to post, I thought I’d post some general cemetery photos. While visiting the cemeteries to find the stones of my ancestors I’d sometimes just take random photos. Some of them turned out pretty good. Cemeteries photos can come out beautiful or sometimes even creepy, depending on the season as seen below.
This photo was taken at St. Francis Borgia Cemetery in Cedarburg, Ozaukee Co., Wisconsin. This is the cemetery my grandfather is buried at. I had stopped there in early spring before winter had loosened it’s grip on the area.

There are a few Flickr groups dedicated to cemetery photos that are interesting to browse if you’re into that sort of thing. I have submitted a few of mine to some of them. A few of them are: Graves, Tombs, and Cemeteries, Graveyards, and Autumn in the Graveyard.
Weekly History: June 21st – 27th
June 21
1891 – Married – Johann THIELKE & Wilomene C RATHKE – Johann and Minnie are my great-great-grandparents on my mother’s side. They were married in Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin. Minnie was previously married, as I found out in the census and passenger lists, to man named Frank HOLZ. I think this was Johann’s first marriage. I’m only aware of them having one child, my great-grandfather Arthur.
1931 – Born – Robert John ZALEWSKI – Robert is my great uncle on my father’s side. He was born in Milwaukee as my great-grandparent’s last child. I know I met him at some point in my life, but I don’t remember him too much. He lived in the Balitmore, MD area. He passed away a few months after my grandfather in 1999.
June 23
1809 – Born – Sophia Elizabeth STRASSMAN – Sophia is my 4th-great-grandmother on my mother’s side. She was born in Wahmbeck, Hanover, Germany. She married Friedrich MUHM in 1844 in the state of New York. She passed away on 23 Nov 1869 at Germantown, Washington Co., Wisconsin and is buried nearby at Christ Evangelical Cemetery in the unincorporated Dhiensville, Washington Co., Wisconsin.
1873 – Born – Emma Jane FIRMENICH – Emma Jane is my great-great-grandmother on my father’s side. She was born at Wrightsown, Brown Co., Wisconsin to Mathias & Pauline FIRMENICH. She married Thomas CORRIGAN on 18 Apr 1892 and together they had 9 children. She passed away on 28 Apr 1941 in Ashland, Ashland Co., Wisconsin and is buried there at St. Agnes Cemetery.
June 24
1678 -Married – Leonard PAILLARD & Marie Louise VACHON – Leonard and Marie are my 9th-great-grandparents on my mother’s side. They were more than likely married in Quebec, Canada because my notes indicate, “June 24, 1678, he signed his marriage contract in front of the Aubert notary. He married (Marie) Louise Vachon. From this union were born eleven children, six boys and five girls.”
June 26
1929 – Died – Wilomene C (RATHKE) THIELKE – Minnie is my great-great-grandmother on my mother’s side. She was born 1 Sep 1857 in Pommerania, Prussia. She married, her second, my great-great-grandfather on 21 Jun 1891. She passed away in Wisconsin and is buried near where I live at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Grafton, Ozaukee Co., Wisconsin.
Tell Me Thursday – Zalewski Family

This is another photo I scanned recently from a Zalewski Genealogy booklet. Back row: Mary (Gierszewski), My great-great-grandmother Anna (Lindner), my great-grandfather Joseph & Martha (Strelka) — Front row: Frances (Cybela), Helen (Stroinski) & Angeline (Pierzchalski) – Milwaukee, Summer 1925
Weekly History: June 7th – 13th
June 7th
This is my mother’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom.
June 8th
This is my grandmother’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Grandma.
June 11th
1757 – Born – Anna Catherina CROX – Anna is my 6th-great-grandmother on my mother’s side. She was born at Genk, Limburg, Belgium. In 1778, she married Wilhelmus Van CRAYBECK. She passed away on 8 Mar 1787 at Genk.
June 12th
This is my brother’s birthday. Happy Birthday!
June 13th
1877 – Born – Anna P FIRMENICH – Anna is my 3rd-great-aunt on my father’s side. She was born at Wrightstown, Brown Co., Wisconsin to Mathias FIRMENICH and Paulina THOMPSON. She passed away in 1885 along 3 other siblings due to what looks like a Diptheria outbreak.
A Celebration of Irish Names
Lisa at Small-leaved Shamrock has posted the 13th edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture. This one deals with Irish surnames and clans. It includes my entry which deals with my Corrigan surname.
Take a look and dive into the Irish history.
Weekly History: May 31st – June 6th
June 1
1996 – Died – Irene (ZALEWSKI) LUTZENBERGER – Irene is my great-aunt, sister of my Grandpa Zalewski. She was born 17 Jul 1920 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I know I met her sometime in my life, but I really don’t remember ever meeting her. She is buried with her husband Ervin at Holy Cross Cemetery in Milwaukee.
June 3
1704 – Died – Marie Anne (DELEUGRE) ST. LOUIS – Marie is my 8th-great-grandmother on my mother’s side. She was born 14 Jun 1665 in Chateau Richer, Montmorency, Quebec, Canada. She married Gilles Gadious ST. LOUIS. She passed away in Montreal, Ile de Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
1910 – Died – Paulina Henrietta (THOMPSON) FIRMENICH – Paulina is my 3rd-great-grandmother on my father’s side. She was born 5 May 1849 in Granville, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin (which is now the Brown Deer area.) On 11 Apr 1867 she married Mathias FIRMENICH and together they had 13 children. She passed away at Morrison, Brown Co., Wisconsin and is buried with her husband at St. Agnes Cemetery in Ashland, Ashland Co., Wisconsin.
June 4
1891 – Married – Frank F BRAATZ & Margaret K STEARNS – Frank and Margaret are my great-great-grandparents on my father’s side. Frank was born 17 Apr 1867 in Germany and Margaret was born 30 Aug 1866, also in Germany. They married in Bear Creek, Outagamie Co., Wisconsin. Margaret passed away in 1943 at Ashland, Wisconsin and Frank followed 5 years later, also at Ashland. They are buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery in Ashland.
This is also my father’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad.
June 5
1926 – Died – Carl F H Last – Carl (also known as Charles in some records) is my great-great-grandfather on my mother’s side. Carl was born 26 Sep 1851 in Doeringshagen, Pommerania. He married Augusta LUEDTKE on 25 Feb 1883 in Milwaukee and (amazingly) had 16 children. He passed away at his home in Port Washington, Ozaukee Co., Wisconsin and is buried at Union Cemetery in Port Washington.
June 6
1974 – Died – Roman J TROKA – Roman is my great-great-uncle on my father’s side. He was born 1 Feb 1897 in Milwaukee, Wisconson to Joseph & Clara (SZULTA) TROKA. He is buried around the rest of the Troka family at Holy Cross Cemetery in Milwaukee.
Wow, doesn’t seem like a happy beginning on the month. A lot of deaths at the beginning of June. It’s a big change from May where we saw a lot of births.