According to my list of posts, seven years ago today is the day I started blogging on this site. Some would call it my “blogiversary.” My first post wasn’t very exciting as it looks to just be a copy of a story about Irish genealogy. Though, I quickly found my way and started to write better, more interesting posts. It’s also neat as my birthday is on the 18th.
My site dashboard says I have 432 posts as of today (including this one) and it’s been 2557 days since my first post. Doing some quick math that would make it a post every 6 days or so. That’s not really a bad average taking into consideration some of the longer breaks I took.
It’s been seven years since the first post on this site, but I know for a fact that I blogged more about genealogy before this specific site came about. I was blogging in general back in about 2000-2001, back when Blogger was still owned by Pyra Labs, its creator.
I hope to go seven more years. I’ve done a lot in those seven years. Made lots of new connections, broke down a few brick walls, and found a nice community. Here’s to the future!
Here are some of the more interesting posts I’ve done in that time:
- Who’s To Blame?
- Arriving By Ship
- Ireland Loses a Daughter
- Why Does Genealogy Interest Me?
- Across the Pond
- I’m on a Boat: Passenger List Found!
You can always find some of the best posts by visiting my “Featured Posts” section.
Photo: gecko4wd@flickr