1920 US Census


John and Minnie are now listed in the 1920 US Census for the town of Grafton. Though, now they are shown to be “renting” somewhere on West Street. There is currently no West Street in Grafton. I can only assume they no longer live on the original Thielke farm. John is now listed as a “retired farmer” which is probably good since he is about 74 years old.

In a directory for Grafton from 1923-24, it shows John and Minnie living on West Water Street. This may be the same as West Street. Though, Water Street also does not exist today, but assuming it’s near the water is a helpful piece of information.

After some further research with the help of the curator of the Ozaukee County GenWeb site, we think we’ve determined that Water Street is what is now called 13th Avenue, which runs parallel to the Milwaukee River.

1920 US Census
Source: 1920 US Federal Census, Ancestry.com

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