The word prompt for the 19th Edition of Smile For The Camera is “Gift.” It is the holiday season and a time for giving. So give Smile readers the gift of sharing, sharing a family photograph. It can be a gift given or received, it can be the gift of talent, it can be the gift of having the photograph itself. The interpretation of gift is yours. Admission is free with every photograph!

I think of this photo as a gift. This photo was the first family history photo that I saw. I see it as a gift of the genealogy bug (it’s not always a bad thing, right?) To this day, I am still working on Frank’s family history trading emails with his possible great-nephew.
You are absolutely right. We need to preserve them not in terms of records but in photographs also. It helps us to reminiscence our old days effortlessly. We can easily build our contact with our beloved ancestors through these photographs. Records look much more alive if photographs attached with them.
What a beautiful, beautiful photograph! It’s always wonderful to be able to put faces to the names we find (or perhaps in your case, to put names to the faces, if the photograph came first). Looking at the people in the photograph makes me wonder what their lives were like — profession, education, schooling, responsibilities in the family, etc.
Thanks for sharing.